Pathways through unknowing
Handwoven cotton and wool, plywood and spruce table with stoneware ceramic supports

These samples emerge out of ongoing research into the conceptual implications of something that is materially both binary and multi-layered and explore the transformation between the two-dimensional (weave draft), three-dimensional (cloth), and four-dimensional (time, labor, function, interaction, failure). They search for the z/Δ axes in a seemingly x/y world. This multi-layer weaving work troubles the function of set patterning systems and binary thinking both in woven cloth and as well as in broader social and political contexts. The work makes speculative links between the production of cloth and the formation of power structures such as political-economic systems, gender, and educational institutions. Woven in multiple layers, weaving maintains its inherent binary nature but takes on a new physical dimensionality; from within this seemingly fixed structure, endless possibilities emerge. With their layers, pockets, and folds, the resulting weavings reject the false promise of binary thinking and offer new models of agency and relation.

Colored pencil and ink on paper, mounted to plywood